My stuff in Softpedia?

Today I got really bored, so I decided to check my Marmphco email account. I had forgotten about it because no one really emails me at that address, so I only check it once every couple months to be honest.

It just so happens that my inbox contained two emails, both from Softpedia, both dated September 26, 2009. They said that they added some of my Cocoa/Mac application stuff to Softpedia. I think it’s kind of cool that they found my site and put my software on Softpedia, considering the (in my opinion) dismal quality of my programs. Another interesting part of the emails:

To assure our visitors that Grade Calculator is clean, we have granted it with the “100% CLEAN” Softpedia award. To let your users know about this certification, you may display this award on your website, on software boxes or inside your product.

Apparently my software doesn’t contain malicious code either… you can find them here, or in my Stuff Section.