
Perpetual Blaze Mobile

Perpetual Blaze Mobile Image

After a couple weeks of porting and optimizing, Perpetual Blaze Mobile has just been launched and entered in the Kongregate Mobile Games Contest! Play it now on your Flash-enabled mobile device on

Composite Test


I tried my hand at simple compositing using Blender and Photoshop. It turned out pretty well for a first attempt.

This image is a composite of a bad photo I took of some green cutting board things and a plain grey cube from Blender. The depth of field effect is also “faked”; achieved with a Photoshop lens blur using a normalized depth map that was rendered with Blender.

Lorenz Attractor


Note: The screenshot is makes this seem duller than it actually is.

Today I wasted my time making a Lorenz Attractor simulation. The Lorenz Attractor is a set of differential equations which can cause some pretty cool looking particle motion; in particular a torus knot.

Link to the Flash app

Updated 2/23/11: I made the applet more interesting by having rho oscillate between 0 and 28 and sigma oscillate between 10 and 20.

Trippy Visualizer


I actually made this a year ago, but was too lazy to upload it. It is an audio visualizer with a bunch pretty flashing lights.

The visualizer works by responding to changes in volume of the music; not any fancy stuff like changes in pitch. I am particularly proud of the glowing effect, which was achieved by a low res box blur done only on the CPU.

Link to awesome applet

XKCD on Good Code

See the comic here.

Exactly the way I develop. It’s no wonder my projects take so long to make.

Geek Cred

Current Geek a Week geek Marian Call has apparently folded one of my origami serenities. I actually saw this a a couple months ago, but back then I thought she was just a random obscure musical artist.

+3 geek cred

Link to image and post

Blender Rose


Instead of working on important things, I created this rose with blender (version 2.5 alpha 2). It took about 2 days, and is at least 23 times better than my previous attempts at 3D art.

Rendered with Blender internal.

Origami Hydralisk

Origami Hydralisk

I have been optimizing my origami Hydralisk throughout the past week. It uses a slightly modified crane base to allow for extra details like the head section. Not that it really matters. Click here to see the full gallery, which also features my sub-par photography.

I should be able to post instructions within the next month or so.

Starcraft 2

Starcraft 2 Installer Win

I downloaded the Starcraft 2 Client Installer last night. Just curious to see what would happen if I tried to install before launch.

No, this is not a demonstration of my Photoshop skills, the Installer really does look that weird.

Invisible Rodent

zomg a rodent

Be wary, it may be targeting your food next.

Edit 2012: This is pretty dumb.