

membership card

Jellyman has reached over 1,000,000 plays! One million! 1,030,803 plays to be exact. Too bad I don’t get some sort of trophy or award. That would be freakin amazing. At least now I’m a member of the uber-cool 1 Million Players Club, and I get a fancy membership card. By now my horrible writing has probably bored you to the extent that you are no longer reading this post, so I’m going to add in a couple of meaningless sentences to fill in the extra space. Rusty likes lemons. He ate twelve in a row. There will be no more filler sentences, I promise.

You can view Jellyman’s mochibot stats at


The video speaks for itself.

EDIT: Took out the video because it was screwing up all of my awesome valid xhtml… and it would not want to be seen.

Jellyman Finally Completed!


After more than a year of procrastination, I have finally finished Jellyman and am now releasing it with help from Ninjakiwi, who is sponsoring Jellyman. Yeah! I wouldn’t have been able to get Jellyman sponsored if it weren’t for the fine folks over at Flashgamelicense.

You can play Jellyman on NinjKiwi now!

My stuff in Softpedia?

Today I got really bored, so I decided to check my Marmphco email account. I had forgotten about it because no one really emails me at that address, so I only check it once every couple months to be honest.

It just so happens that my inbox contained two emails, both from Softpedia, both dated September 26, 2009. They said that they added some of my Cocoa/Mac application stuff to Softpedia. I think it’s kind of cool that they found my site and put my software on Softpedia, considering the (in my opinion) dismal quality of my programs. Another interesting part of the emails:

To assure our visitors that Grade Calculator is clean, we have granted it with the “100% CLEAN” Softpedia award. To let your users know about this certification, you may display this award on your website, on software boxes or inside your product.

Apparently my software doesn’t contain malicious code either… you can find them here, or in my Stuff Section.


I’ve just discovered how to use FTP to upload my html files directly to the server hosting my pages! It makes updating my site a whole lot easier, which means that I’ll be posting more trivial things like this on the blog. I no longer have to go through a horrifically slow webpage uploader. Another great thing that I discovered was Coda, which is a really wonderful web developement IDE. These two things combined really streamline web development. :)

More Blender Things

It’s been about two months since I’ve posted anything, mostly because school started. That’s not really much of a problem though, since I doubt that anyone other than myself reads this garbage.

Anyway, Here are a couple more renders I cooked up in Blender. Click them for higher resolution.



Mac Tablet

Tablet Mockup

With all of the stupid rumors and mockups flying around teh internets (misspelling intended) about an upcoming Apple tablet device, I decided to make my own. Created using Blender and Photoshop.

Click here for higher resolution.

More Blender


I made more models in blender. You can see them in full resolution here and here.

Blender and Xcode


I’ve been messing around with Blender lately. Blender is a computer graphics program for modeling and rendering 3D images using raytracing. I don’t really like Blender’s internal renderer (no Global Illumination), so I downloaded the free (and outdated) Yafray renderer. I put a couple of my recent renders in the Stuff section.

Today I also set up Xcode as an IDE to code and compile my AS3 projects using mxmlc, so I don’t have to do everything by command line anymore. :D

Complete Redesign

I completely redesigned everything on this site. The layout is now much, much cleaner and the markup is actually readable.